Lee-The Prescient Educationist for Timeless-The watershed in Global Education League
Professor Oon-Seng Tan, Ee-Ling Low and David Hung explained the influence the founding Prime Minister of Singapore, Le e Kuan Yew had on the Singaporean Education system that today out-stand in the global education league. The success in education had metamorphosed the country needed in the 21st century. The book is bifurcated into two parts, each part containing different chapters with thematic ideas. In the prologue, the boo k displays Singapore during the post-colonial era, Lee’s view on education and Singapore’s Success through Education. Poverty was high with insufficient natural resources and fracturing ethnic fault-lines. Aftermath of Singapore’s independence was shattered by the task of nation-building for political and economic survival. The Founding Prime Minister had profound faith in her people and education to take Singapore to compete globally in absence of rich natural resources. The post-independence period was flooded with high poverty, unemployment,...